Thursday, 1 May 2014

My dad!

Today my dad turns 64. In November 2007 the doctors told him he would only live months based on the condition of his heart......I am very blessed to have had another 7 years with him. I didn't always think I was blessed to be his daughter.

He is one of 12 children. He married my mom when he was 19 and one year later their first child was born. Three more followed within 7 years. He took a huge risk and moved us north from Niagara in 1976 with nothing but a family and a dream....well maybe some determination.

When I was a kid he was my daddy. He was away a lot for work and play so I tried very hard to garner all his attention when he was home. As I grew older I couldn't understand why all of my cousins on both sides of the family loved him so much. He was just my dad, he was nothing special, just a dad. When I hit my teens I didn't like him at all, he didn't like me much either I am sure. There was still lots of love shown but we didn't see eye to eye on much. When I became a parent I realized he was just doing the best he could with what he had. He did a fine job.

He made mistakes. Some big, some small. He had good moods and bad. I knew when to get out of his hair, I still do. So really he was human right? What made him so special to everyone? What is this aura about him that makes people want to be around him?

This week at a celebration of life for a local icon; as I watched and listened to his family bid farewell, I realized what it is. He is authentic, he is genuine, he is kind, generous and loving. His family comes first always. He tells a good joke, he's animated and fun to be around. His love for us and others emanates out of every pore in his body like the odor of garlic. (inside joke) He worked hard to raise us and taught us respect, love, work ethic and most of all that we are rich in love and family and money is only important to pay the bills. He never worried about making a lot of money, just enough. He never worried about buying fancy stuff, just what we needed. All the things I didn't like or understand about him as a child I now respect in him very much. He taught me to believe in myself, be genuine, cherish family above all else and to make sure that my choices lead me to a happy life regardless of how others conform to society.

He is a man that will be greatly missed by many one day. He is a man who's mistakes are easily forgivable and forgotten. He's a man that says I Love You rarely but shows it daily. He is a man who has suffered great loss and struggles in life yet nothing conquers him.

His determination and love has kept him here for 7 years longer than expected. For that I am thankful. To have him here today to share these thoughts with is precious for if he was gone I may never have reached this level of appreciation for him and he would never have heard it from me.

Daddy, Happy 64.....I wish we could have 100 more.