Monday, 11 September 2017

Riding the waves of consciousness

A societal shift is occurring around us and has been for quite some time. It started a number of years ago with the introduction of "The Secret", "The Law of Attraction" and all such publications that describe and explain how universal energies work around us. Society has clung onto this like a joey clings to its kangaroo mother; just along for the ride. More scientific writings have also been released by authors/physicists like Tom Campbell that actually often dispute the "law of attraction" principles because they don't fit with quantum physics. Regardless they are all essentially describing the same thing; universal energy and our awareness or consciousness of it. Some are explaining in layman terms or what some would call "touchy feely", others have researched and explain it in more technical or scientific terms. All of them are attempting to describe and share knowledge of a universal energy around us and help others to understand it. It's not complicated, it just IS!

As we know, we are all born with very limited skills and knowledge. We are also very unique and have a journey called life ahead until the ultimate day of death. Our journeys are very unique as they are shaped by the knowledge and experiences that we acquire through our life journey. We do share some similarities in character and experiences and that allows us to be classified in to groups sometimes. In terms of the shift we are seeing there are three groups of people. The surfers, the kayakers, and the whitewater rafters.

The surfers

Riding waves, ups and downs. Some days they ride euphoric waves all day and some days they spend mostly underwater. They choose not to understand the mechanics of how the world works, they just go with it and accept it as it is. Surfers hear or see the information presented to them but choose to ignore it or call it babble. Surfers need tangible, concrete information. Abstract ideas are too much for them or maybe even scary to them. Surfers allow their ego to get in the way, so much so that they refuse to consider that they even have an ego.

Pros of being a surfer
They are in the majority so they are seen as "normal" everyday citizens who are just living life as it comes.
Cons of being a surfer
They experience a lot of struggles in facing the challenges of life and actually create more despair for themselves than necessary.

The kayakers

Gliding along, enjoying everything around them, living in the present moment. They pack the essentials into the kayak. The kayak gets tippy at times but they quickly steady it so they don't lose anything. Kayakers are willing to see the abstract ideas and contemplate them, they are willing to do the self exploration and hard work needed to become mindful and have the ability to pull back from their ego or situations that can cause distress and make peace with what is. They are not immune to their ego, they are just more aware of it and make decisions that bring peace to their lives. They value peace and are happy to avoid the challenges that their knowledge could bring them if they allowed themselves to deeply contemplate the deeper realities.

Pros of being a kayaker
Peace and tranquility of their journey by choice. Ability to feel emotions yet put situations into perspective to stay on a path of peace. They make choices that create a journey that they choose and they handle unforeseen circumstances with logic. Living in a state of euphoria and awareness of the blessings around them
Cons of being a kayaker
People see them as "hippie like", sometimes a bit "out there". They are said to be living in a dream world. Its really hard work to stay mindful and continue a self reflective journey keeping your ego in check while living in a world of surfers.

The white water rafter
They want the challenge. The hit the water with force sometimes riding with great adventure and sometimes flipping the boat, getting back in or causing injury or loss. Rafters grab the abstract ideas with full awareness of the implications of it for society. They have a passion for all people to "see" it, know it, acknowledge it. They struggle with people who do not understand universal energies and the science involved. They want to make people "get it". They want to change society and challenge the systems that they know are taking advantage of humanity. They are very aware of their ego and do the hard work of self reflection and being open minded and mindful of the present.

Pros of being a rafter
Living a journey of choice. A state of euphoria that others often never experience. A full understanding of what universal energies and the science means for humanity. Ability to share and encourage others.
Cons of being a rafter
Not a lot of people understand them, they are the minority leaving them with less relationships and people to have conversation with. Often seen as eccentric, selfish, cold hearted. They struggle in their own brains so much that they create their own distress and frustration unnecessarily.

There is no right or wrong place to be. No group is "the best place to be". Its all personal choice, where we choose to be on our own journey between life and death based on the experiences and knowledge that we have acquired. We can all be more conscious of others. Surfers could have more open mindedness, kayakers could choose to join the momentum of the rafters, rafters could try harder to accept the world as it is and that they cannot force people to understand; that some just don't care to learn about the science. 

Differing levels of consciousness are sometimes misconstrued as people having a "higher level of consciousness" being more intelligent. Consciousness is simply having awareness, physically and intellectually; awareness of ourselves and others. A "higher level of consciousness" simply means that you have done the hard work of self reflection and you work hard at keeping your ego in check to understand others.  It doesn't equate to superiority, it's not a destination; it is a personal journey that never ends because our energy never dies.

We all experience, live, ARE universal energies. Society seems to be shifting to a higher interest in learning; possibly creating more kayakers or rafters.We choose our level of consciousness. It's not complicated it just IS!