Friday 15 January 2016

Terminal Irritation

Today is cleaning day at my house.

I used to look forward to cleaning day when I worked outside my home. Now that I am home everyday I seem to clean all the time so its not that exciting but this week I looked forward to Friday cleaning day......give the house a REAL GOOD CLEAN DAY. 

I have only got the bathroom done so far and this is what I have noticed.

1. I dont know what all the rave about men putting the toilet seat down is all about! I would be elated if I could just get the men in my house to lift it before they pee! Cleaning the toilet with drippage and spray everywhere is disgusting. And as if the underside of the toilet seat and rim of the toilet bowl isn't bad enough.....then you have to dive deep to the bottom of the toilet where there are yellow pools all dried up with dust and hair and the crusty rim around the base. So gross. 

I have a friend who makes it a rule in her home that men sit down to pee. I thought it was kind of silly when I first heard if anyone has that much control over how people use their I am considering adopting that rule myself. I may even post it on the front  door so any man entering is aware of the expectation and they can choose not to come in if they like. Either that or I give them each a cloth when they enter the bathroom and they have to wipe up after themselves. 

2. Still on the toilet, there is a toilet bowl brush right beside the toilet for easy access and USE! Clearly by the look of my toilet nobody but me uses it. The stuff men leave behind is just nasty is all I can only takes a couple of seconds to give the bowl a rinse after using the toilet, the flush doesn't always remove everything.

3. I have a beautiful glass shower stall. I love it. It enables me to look out my bathroom window when I shower and see my back yard and sometime wildlife. That is of course if I can see out the glass. Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, you name it any and all shower products in my shower get sprayed on the glass. This morning when I stepped in I stepped on a hunk of soap. You know that last little chunk at the end of the bar that nobody wants to have to waste energy throwing in the garbage or God forbid use the last bit, they open a new bar and leave the last slimy chunk on the floor of the shower. When it squished between my toes this morning I began to wonder if anything I say ever sinks in to anyone in my house. Theres a squeegee and a garbage can in the bathroom, use it!

4. The dishwasher is right beside the sink. I love having a dishwasher. It saves me doing 5 loads of dishes a day......or at least it should! It seems every time I walk past the sink it is full and I need to put the dishes into the dishwasher. If I really get loud when I complain about it, they will do it themselves for a little while. Only one problem with that, they dont rinse them before they put them in. So I end up with dishes that I have rinsed, mixed with dishes they didn't rinse and once the cycle goes through all of the food is all over all of the dishes and I get to rinse and rewash them. UGH!

5. The fridge. Milk jug with a teaspoon of  milk left in it because "it wouldn't fit in my glass", empty containers because someone took the food out and didn't feel like putting the container in the dishwasher, Mikes lunches for the week have all the meat missing from them because the boys open the container and eat what they like and leave the Mike gets some pretty nice surprise meals some weeks and I get some pretty frustrated phone calls....."Where did the steak go from my lunch?"

Now its just me and my sons home all week. Mike is away at work and Jordan has moved out. When Mike is home he does a lot of cleaning, he is a bit anal about it actually. He is very helpful in almost every way. But even he doesn't understand why I clean the bottom of the toilet or the toilet brush holder, he uses the kitchen towels or dishcloth to wipe the floor and then puts it back for people to use on dishes????? I dont understand.

Terminally irritated rant over. But all kidding aside, I do love my family and am very thankful they are here with me to share our home. I guess I could have listened to my dad when he said "You dont want to go near boys, they are YUCKY." But then I would have a clean, lonely house so I prefer it this way.

I wonder what I do to irritate them? I bet they might say NAG! (and clean the bottom of the toilet and toilet brush holder)

Back to cleaning.

1 comment:

  1. #NotAllMen! I am the cleaner in our house. Even the bathroom.
