Imagine this!
These lilacs but times billions on the tallest trees, so tall you can't see the end to them, blooms so large and fragrant it's beyond imagination! There were cherry blossoms, roses, peonies, Lillies, all growing so large and beautiful. The smell was a mixture of all of them and was the most amazing smell I have ever known.
We were at his house with mom, Aunt Benny, Uncle Al, Joyce, Bruce and Mike. It was winter at my house when I left to go there and when I got to his house it was spring. We all sat outside in his yard chatting and laughing. Then I saw it, all of this beauty and I said "Dad, come here, you have to see your yard from this perspective." He walked over to me and looked with me and said "Those are lilacs, it is beautiful here." And that's where the dream ended.
Since his passing I have been asking him for a sign that he is there and he is ok. I have been a bit frustrated to not have a sign yet. I convinced myself that when the sign comes it will be so big and evident that there will be no question it was him. Last night before going to bed I had an AHA moment. I realized he was never a BIG SPLASH kind of guy so I was looking to hard for a big splash. I had a little chat with him and told him that I realized I have been expecting too much and would just wait for anything and appreciate whatever comes my way. He always told me to slow down, life doesn't have to be so dramatic and busy, it's not about the big stuff it about the little moments.
Then he entered my dream with a little moment that was more powerful and vivid than anything I have ever experienced.
I woke with the greatest feeling of peace and love knowing for sure that he is with me and now I can actually feel his presence within me and around me. This experience has changed the grieving process for me. Thank you Dad. I got your message and I know without a sliver of a doubt that you are happy in Heaven. P.S. I will also tell mom about it because I know the lilacs were for her.
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