Wednesday 10 October 2012

Disability begets disregard? Please explain!

I have been very blessed to work in the field of developmental disability for about 10 years now. I also grew up with an uncle that has a developmental disability. People with this diagnosis, as well as many other visible disabilities are undervalued in our society! They are treated as though their lives are worth less than the average population. People tend to avoid genuine relationships with people with disabilities, they are more pity relationships because it is believed that they cannot contribute what is needed to a fulfilling relationship (romantic or friendship).

My question is "What do you value in relationships?" I value honesty, respect, acceptance, openness, reciprocity. I believe all humans are capable of exhibiting these things in relationships with others regardless of intellectual or physical abilities. Being a good person inside and out is what is important.

People who have reached the appropriate developmental levels have common skills; like money skills for example. They know how to pay for something and expect the right amount of change etc., some people with developmental disabilties would simply do this differently. They might know their money denominations by the color of the paper instead of the amount. Does this affect who they are as people? As human beings? As potential friends or partners? NO!

In fact, I would honestly say that 95% of the people I know with developmental disabilties are accepting of others and rarely judge, they are caring, generous, thoughtful, genuine, they don't act as though they are better than anyone else, they work hard and enjoy life.  They are good people. I certainly cannot say that about 98% of people I know in the "average population"; more like 50%. The "average population" has more tendency to judge others, manipulate, take, disrespect, gossip, betray.......simply in judging people with disabilites, believing they are better,  they are less authentic as humans.

So next time you encounter someone who talks different, uses money different, walks different, uses a wheelchair, remember that simply by judging them you are less authentic, less than what we all aspire to be - a good person! 95% of "them" are better than 50% of "you" in that moment.

"Loneliness is the only real disability." Beth Mount. I believe this statement to be true and in saying it I realize that we as a society are essentially creating disability in millions simply by how we treat them. Without relationships we would all suffer, relationships fulfill us. Everyone needs GENUINE relationships, it's a basic need we are born with. We are depriving other genuine humans of a basic need that they are willing and able to fulfill in us.

Please tell me......who would you rather spend your time with? Who is more genuine? How will you change your perspective of  the worth of people based on who they are not what they can or cannot do?

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