Monday 7 January 2013


A new year, a new perspective.

Every year I bid adieu to the past year and welcome whatever the new year may bring; wondering what does this year have in store for me?

Not this year.

I did say goodbye and look back on last year, counted my blessings. This time instead of welcoming the new year with uncertainty, excitement and even concern for what the year may hold......I welcomed it with full anticipation of achieving everything I have in my plans for the year.

What a difference.

I know that it is more work because I have to commit to actually working toward my goals. I want them bad enough that I will work for them. I will work with passion and excitement and appreciate whatever the results. I plan to make my plans for this year happen, I will no longer wait for what is "planned for me".

Whatever happens, happens is an ok perspective when it comes to those things we don't have control over. I acknowlegde that this year will bring some things I didn't plan or won't have control over....heck the year has already done that in the first 7's ok I will deal with it all as it comes.

Whatever happens, happens is not a beneficial perspective when it comes to waiting for the life I want. It is not going to come to me, I have to go get it.

I will set my goals, record my actions, do the work, practice patience and trade expectation for appreciation. It will be hard work and each action may take me in a direction I would never have imagined. At the end of the year I may not be where my goals anticipate taking me but I will be wherever I end up. It will be a good place because I will have intentionally taken myself there instead of waiting for whatever may happen and wondering "what if".

This year the universe is saying "what does she have in store for her?" Well I can't tell you yet but I will share as  we go through the year.

1 comment:

  1. Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)
