Tuesday 5 April 2016

A letter of forgiveness - to my abuser

(I would say Dear, but he's not dear to me)

James Elson Tulloch;

Today I found my purpose in life.

I thought I forgave you about a year ago; and I truly did try but I held onto hatred. Now I know that I can really let go.

I can forgive you.


Not for you, but for me. For my mental health, for my future.

You stole my childhood!

You stole my adolescence!

You stole my young adulthood!

You had a strong hand in my divorce from my children's father!

It took me about 32 years after you left my life to start to learn to not let you to control me.

Now 34 years later, YOU ARE HISTORY!

It sure has been a long road.

There will always be triggers.

There will always be reminders.

But no longer will I submit to them. No longer will I surrender to them, relent, concede, yield......YOU HAVE NO CONTROL ANY LONGER.

I  am FREE!

Today I found my life purpose! I knew I would eventually find a way to help other survivors and I have been searching.

Today I found it!

I give gratitude for your influence on my life and appreciate the direction you have given me to help other survivors.

Did you ever think I would thank you?

Me either.

I guess I should thank Karma because she is helping me help others and I no longer care what she does with you.


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