Tuesday 26 April 2016

Feminism or Equalism?

I have recently become involved in a peer mentorship program for survivors of sexual violence. The journey to becoming a mentor includes 40 hours of training which I have been attending every Tuesday afternoon for a number of weeks.

Each week I come away with more motivation and inspiration. I have a one hour drive home from the training and always leave my radio off and think about what I have just learned.

One of the greatest pieces of learning I have found is about Feminism. I was 100% of the belief that feminists hate men and want women to control the world. I did not consider myself a feminist, in fact,  I strongly reconsidered getting involved in the program because the agency that is offering this opportunity is a feminist agency and I wasn't sure I fit with their philosophy. Well, I am glad I decided to give it a try because I learned what feminism really is.

It is about being equal. Not about burning bras in protest of men's position in the world or fighting to take away the rights of men. It is about sharing the world with men. Feminists want to have the same opportunities in the workplace, home, society as anyone else.

Men are feminists. Yes, there are men who truly believe that the world can be shared equally with women very peacefully. They even believe that women have a right to equality in the workplace, home, society. I would dare to go so far as to say that Feminists believe in equality of all humans regardless of sex, race, colour, creed or sexual orientation.

I am a feminist. Who knew?

So why is it still called feminism? I understand historically women fought very hard for the rights of women and I thank them greatly for all they did to allow me the freedoms I have today. However, I think the word feminist is misleading. I would also venture a guess that many men who are feminists would deny it because of the label and the stigma that goes with it.

Isn't it time that we move with the ages and call it what it is? EQUALISM!

Not to minimize the work of the feminist movement but to offer gratitude and show their success. We have moved, we have a long way to go, lets make it socially acceptable to be a man and fight for equality for all humans.

I am an equalist and proud of it.

1 comment:

  1. Ở một số lứa tuổi như dậy thì, sau sinh và tiền mãn kinh. Nội tiết tố thông thường có những thay đổi khá nhiều, bởi vậy sẽ thường xuyên diễn ra một số khác thường như kinh nguyệt không đều, rong kinh, kinh nguyệt ra ít và có màu đen ...Với một số trường hợp này nếu chỉ xảy ra vào một thời điểm nào đó và nó không liên tục thì phụ nữ không còn bối rối quá nhiều. Nhưng nếu nó gây ảnh hưởng tới sinh hoạt cuộc sống và kéo dài liên tục thì phái đẹp nên áp dụng thăm khám phụ khoa ngay. Để các thầy thuốc sẽ có định hướng khắc phục sao cho hợp lý. Với những tình trạng mất cân bằng nguyệt san hay kinh nguyệt không đều hoặc là hiện tượng bệnh lý, hãy thận trọng trong các trường hợp này.
